

Global Action on Peace, Sustainability, and Prosperity

Arrival and Registration
Opening Session
  • MC
    • Rev. Dionne P. Boissiere Chaplain, Church Center for the United Nations
    • Rev. Dr. Grace Song Won Buddhist Studies Department Chair, Won Institute of Graduate Studies
Moment of Silence
Opening Video
  • Opening Remarks
    Dr. Sunggon Kim Co-chair, ICCGC
  • Welcoming Remarks
    Rev. Dr. Liberato Bautista President, CoNGO
  • Congratulatory Address
    Dr. Francis Kuria Kagema Secretary General, Religions for Peace
  • Peace Message
    Mr. Phallop Thaiarry President, World Fellowship of Buddhists
  • Keynote Speech

    “Pact for the Future: Global Action on Peace, Sustainability, and Prosperity”

    Dr. Irina Bokova Former Director-General, UNESCO and Kyung Hee University Miwon
    Scholar of Practice
  • Response to Keynote Address
    Ven. Chung Ohun Lee (Former Chair, Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN)
  • Peace Song
    Mannam Quartet
  • Singers
    • Ven. Sungjin, Pastor Jin Kim, Fr. Sung-Yong Ha, Rev. Se-Woong Park
Group Photo
Networking Coffee & Tea
Panel Session 1. Global Ethics and Global Citizens “Ethical and Global Citizen: Not Whether, but How?”
  • Description
    • How do we bring together world leaders: political, religious, activist, and others on a common ground for Global Ethics? As global citizens, we have a responsibility to work with others across diverse traditions and cultures to form common bonds and a shared vision. For example, we have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. While this is laudable as a declaration, what additional resources are needed to bring together people in community and action? Where the focus may differ (justice, religious harmony, climate change, etc.), how can we harness the synergy of global community to empower one another? How can we gather locally to act globally?
  • Moderator
    • Rev. Dr. Mark Unno download Professor, University of Oregon
  • Panelists
    • Prof. Fadi Daou download Executive Director, Globethics – Geneva
    • Rev. Dr. Kwangsoo Park download Emeritus Professor, Wonkwang University
    • Dr. Kusumita Pedersen download Professor Emerita, St. Francis College
    • Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa download Associate Professor, Wartburg College
NetworkingCoffee & Tea
Panel Session 2. Towards a Global Peace: For People and Planet “We Want Peace: How Can We Promote and Build Peace in Our World?”
  • Description
    • This panel discussion, themed "Towards a Global Peace," delves into the critical role of global cooperation and understanding in fostering peace across borders. We will discuss effective conflict resolutionstrategies, the impact of cultural diplomacy, and how faith leaders, governments, and NGOs can contribute to a harmonious world. Highlighting key peacekeeping successes, the session aims to provide actionable insights for fostering worldwide peace and unity.
  • Moderator
    • Rev. Doyeon Park download Co-Chair, Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN
  • Panelists
    • Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer download Executive Director, Interfaith Center of New York
    • Mr. Garry Jacobs download President and CEO, World Academy of Art and Science
    • Dr. Carolyn Medine download President, Society for Buddhist Christian Studies
    • Mr. Elias Szczytnicki download Regional Secretary General, Religions for Peace Latin America and the Caribbean
Closing Session (Day 1)
    • Rev. Young-In Sa Co-Chair, ICCGC
    • Rev. Ryosho Shoji Advisor, World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth
    • Dr. Wonsun Oh President, Won Institute of Graduate Studies
Panel Session 3. Dialogue between Religions and Civil Society “Aspirations for the Common Good: Working Together for Shaping a Brighter Future”
  • Description
    • This session will explore the collaborative efforts needed to create a future that benefits everyone. We will discuss how collective aspirations for the common good can drive positive change, focusing on the roles of different sectors, including faith-based organizations, governments, NGOs, and communities. By sharing insights and strategies, this session aims to inspire cooperative action and foster a shared commitment to building a brighter, more equitable, and sustainable future for all.
  • Moderator
    • Rev. Dr. Leo Lefebure download Professor, Georgetown University
  • Panelists
    • Imam Saffet Catovic download Director, UN Operations for Justice for All
    • Dr. Julius-Kei Kato download Associate Professor, King’s College-Western University
    • Ms. Maddalena Maltese download Reprsentative in New York, New Humanity of Focolare Movement
    • Rev. Margaret Rose download Deputy, Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations for The Episcopal Church
Lunch Break
Special Address “Religious Role and Responsibility for Peace on the Korean Peninsula”
  • Speaker
    • Rev. Dr. Taesung Kim download Secretary General, Korean Conference of Religions for Peace
Networking Coffee & Tea
Panel Session 4. Youth for Climate Action “Youth in the Age of Climate Disaster: How Youth Can Impact the Future”
  • Description
    • This session will explore how youth-led initiatives are significantly impacting environmentalpolicy, sustainable practices, and community awareness. Participants will share stories of collaboration, innovation, resilience, and collaboration that illustrate the power of youth engagement in tackling global climate challenges. The session aims to inspire further action and highlight how young leaders can mobilize communities and influence decision-making for a sustainable future.
  • Moderator
    • Ms. Kristine Leonardo download Programme Associate, Religions for Peace
  • Panelists
    • Mr. Steve Chiu download Youth Representative, Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
    • Ms. Kekashan Basu, M.S.M. download Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation
    • Ms. Darren Namatovu download Founder & Executive Director, Phoenix Children Foundation
Networking Coffee & Tea
Panel Session 5. Global Citizenship Education for Future Generation “The Next Generation of Global Citizens: GCED for an Inclusive and Sustainable World”
  • Description
    • Global citizenship education (GCED) is needed to face the challenges of the 21st Century and the challenges of the VUCA world, which is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Global Citizenship education encourages global citizens to be independent, develop global perspectives, build harmony among people from other countries and ethnic groups, understand diversity through cross-cultural education, respect the Earth and all living beings, and promote global well-being while enriching their lives. To learn to create imaginative solutions to world problems, to help solve diverse global issues, and to become active citizens to make changes in society for the good of everyone. In this session, panelists will discuss the following: how global citizenship is practiced in real life, what GCED is to the individual panelists, how GCED is implemented in their specific role and environment, and what message each panelist has for the youth and our future leaders.
  • Moderator
    • Dr. Kathy Matsui download Professor, Seisen University
  • Panelists
    • Dr. Roberto Catalano download Professor, Sophia University Institute, Italy
    • Dr. Janet Gerson download Education Director, International Institute on Peace Education
    • Dr. Russell Pearce download Professor, Fordham University
    • Rev. James Lynch download Representative to the United Nations, Rissho Kosei-Kay
Networking Coffee & Tea
Special Intervention “Toward an Intergral Rejection of War and a Strategic Mobilizing for Peace and Life”
  • Speaker
    • Prof. Dr. Riccardo Petrella download Professor Emeritus, Catholic University of Louvain
Closing Session (Day 2) Reading of the ICCGC-CoNGO Declaration of Supporting the UN Summit of Future in 2024
    • Rev. Dr. Liberato Bautista President, CoNGO
    • Ms. Christina Lee Inter-religious Dialogue Advisor, Focolare Movement
    • Rev. Yoshiharu Tomatsu Executive Council Member, World Fellowship of Buddhists
    • Dr. Julius-Kei Kato Vice President, Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies

ICCGC 2023

Sharing Our Future Together
Engaged in Spirituality
in the Era of Crisis


ICCGC 2022

Religions and Civilizations
Social Justice
and Healing for All


ICCGC 2021

The Road to New Normal in Post COVID-19 Era
Collective Intelligence
for Global Society


ICCGC 2020

Religious Peace Movement in the Post COVID-19 Era
Global Ethics, Global Citizenship,
and Sustainable Peace
