About Us


Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens
Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations



Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens

ICCGC Committee

The Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens engages members of diverse sectors to exchange experiences and practices to overcome global crises through global citizenship.

  Contact Us info.iccgc@gmail.com



Over the last few decades, globalization has fostered interconnectedness between nations, enabling the global community to advance material civilization through collaborative efforts and alliances. These endeavors have paved the way for enhanced prosperity in human society compared to previous times. Unfortunately, the current state of global inequality, stemming from unjust and imbalanced economic growth, has resulted in political, economic, and sociocultural conflicts around the world. Consequently, many people worldwide continue to endure the repercussions of these disparities.


Covid-19 has further accelerated social disruption. This pandemic has revealed the underlying vulnerabilities within social structures, which were hidden by the rapid development of material civilization, and the loss of human values. Consequently, there has been a rise in spiritual impoverishment and ignorance, leading to a world grappling with challenges such as security threats, livelihood concerns, climate emergencies, nuclear weapons proliferation, and the loss of humanity. It is imperative to restore humanity by reestablishing moral values and fostering a harmonious existence between spiritual civilization and material civilization.


Throughout history, religions have played a significant role in promoting human peace and progress. However, religions have also left stains upon the record through their hostility and confrontation, which emerged from differences in beliefs, ideologies, and actions. It is now important for all religions to take action, opening their doors and coming together in a shared space to engage in discussions, training, and partnerships that promote mutual understanding and cooperation. In order to build a truly peaceful world, a strong global solidarity founded on the principles of common humanity, known as global citizenship, is essential. This global citizenship is necessary to effectively address the pressing global crises that pose threats to human society.


The Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens (ICCGC) aims to promote the spread of global citizenship, developing global citizenship education through ethics, diversity, global issues, and sustainability and operating global-civic exchange programs to strengthen mutual trust and enhance cultural diversity. Additionally, the ICCGC is a platform that opens dialogue among global citizens through which morality and science, spirit and matter, and religion and politics join forces and advance together.