Dr. Wonsun Oh
President, Won Institute of Graduate Studies
Closing Comment (Day 1)
== Biography ==
Dr. Oh was appointed President of the Won Institute of Graduate Studies in 2023. A distinguished educator and experienced administrator, he has been a dedicated practitioner of Won Buddhism for 54 years. Dr. Oh's notable career in higher education administration began in 1997 at Kyonggi University in South Korea. In various key roles, including Dean of the College of Economics and Business Administration and Chair of the Preparatory Committee for Accreditation, he has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership, fostered academic excellence, and contributed significantly to institutional growth.

Dr. Oh's deep commitment to Won Buddhism is also evident in his visionary leadership at the Gangnam Won Buddhist Temple, the largest Won Buddhism temple globally. His strategic vision and organizational skills have greatly enhanced the temple's standing and influence.

Academically, Dr. Oh earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Sungkyunkwan University. He then continued his education in the United States, obtaining a Master of Arts in Economics from Western Illinois University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from Ohio State University.